
Welcome to Blood Flow Online

Blood Flow Online is your web-based resource for blood viscosity and hemodynamics. Our goal is to raise awareness in the general public and medical community of the importance of blood flow in health and disease.

Blood Flow Online is comprised of a group of medical doctors and scientific researchers. Our Team is motivated by the goal of eradicating cardiovascular diseases in the U.S. and worldwide.

Atherosclerosis is the disease which causes almost all heart attacks, many strokes, and almost all peripheral arterial disease. It is the number one killer in the industrialized world. We started this website to help people with atherosclerosis understand their disease, and to help people without the disease delay its onset.

Some of Blood Flow Online’s features are its original medical content, reviews, commentaries, patient education articles, and consolidated news. Please view our Site Map for a detailed outline of our contents and feel free to Contact Us with any questions, comments or concerns. BFO does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and use of this website constitutes acceptance of our Legal Policies.


Explore Perspectives

Orginal articles from contributing writers concerning the role of hemodynamics in cardiovascular health.

What is Blood Viscosity

Blood Viscosity Defined

Find out what blood viscosity is and how it’s related to your health.


Protective Adaption

Watch this educational video on the protective adaptation theory of the cause of atherosclerosis.

Search Drugs

Drugs Affecting Blood Viscosity

Read published paper on medications and how they relate to blood viscosity.


What We Read This Week

Check here frequently to keep up-to-date on new research related to blood flow and other topics.


Read Common Questions & Answers

The Blood Flow Online staff writers respond to frequestly asked questions about blood viscosity.